

Friday, December 1, 2023

Movie Review: The Love Witch (2016)

The Love Witch
Anna Biller, 2016

Ah, love... those awkward moments when you really like a person and you try to get their attention. Some flirt by touch, others by words. Some by acting like a complete fucking idiot. A lot of the time, the weird rituals us humans have to attract another tend to work at some degree... unless you're an obvious tool who gets their pickup lines from a banana flavored Laffy Taffy wrapper. But, alas, regardless of our rituals of flexing our average sized muscles, winking with fan sized eyelashes, or throwing up on accident from nerves, not everyone's cut out for relationships. So, what's a lonely soul to do? 

Create a love spell of course, seduce every man you contact, accidentally murder them and then move on to the next... like some kind of black widow or something. Or, better yet, a Love Witch. 

Naturally, of course... what? Doesn't everyone do the same?

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